

Kambua Mathu, known simply as Kambua, is a prominent Kenyan gospel artist renowned for her blend of Afro-fusion and classical influences. Born into a religious family, she was raised in a musical environment where Kamba and Swahili hymns were a significant part of her upbringing. She attended Kianda Primary School, where she participated in the school choir, and later continued her music journey at Lukenya Academy. Her education led her to study classical music at Ambrose University in Calgary, Canada. Kambua's musical career began with the release of her debut album Nishikilie in 2007, which featured the popular single "Nishikilie," a song of hope and deliverance. She followed this with her second album, Nyumbani, in 2008, which incorporated a diverse range of genres, including Urban, Afro-fusion, and Kwaito. Throughout her career, Kambua has won several accolades, including the Kisima Female Artist of the Year award in 2008 and Groove Female Artist of the Year in 2009. Despite facing personal and financial challenges, including her father's battle with blindness, Kambua's faith and perseverance have been central to her story and music. Kambua is also known for her role as a wife to Pastor Jackson Mathu, with whom she has two children.

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